我們在電纜橋架施工完成后,停止電纜的鋪設就發(fā)如今運用或制造的過(guò)程中不留意會(huì )呈現一定的損傷,這就需求我們停止修補,那么損傷的緣由終究有哪些呢?我們需求停止修補,修補的辦法又有哪些呢?下面我們就一同來(lái)看一下電線(xiàn)電纜的損傷與修補。
After the completion of the cable bridge construction, the laying of the cable will be stopped, and now there will be some damage in the process of using or manufacturing, which requires us to stop repairing. What are the causes of the damage? We need to stop mending. What are the ways to mend it? Now let's take a look at the damage and repair of wires and cables.
隨著(zhù)社會(huì )的不時(shí)進(jìn)步,國民建立的不時(shí)開(kāi)展,電氣系統的不時(shí)完善和改良,在電力系統中,電力電纜的運用量不時(shí)增加。電線(xiàn)電纜廠(chǎng)家消費的電力電纜,主要用于電力系統中用作傳輸和分配大功率電能的電線(xiàn)電纜。電力電纜類(lèi)別在山東電線(xiàn)電纜市場(chǎng)中所占的比例是比擬可觀(guān)的。
With the constant progress of society, the establishment of the people has been carried out from time to time, and the electrical system has been improved and improved from time to time. In the power system, the use of power cables has increased from time to time. Power cables consumed by wire and cable manufacturers are mainly used in power systems to transmit and distribute high-power electricity. The proportion of power cable categories in Shandong wire and cable market is considerable.
In the process of transportation, laying and operation of power cables, it is possible to damage the outer skin of power cables by accident or mistake at any time. In order to prevent the damage of power cables caused by such factors, we need to strengthen the maintenance work in the transmission and laying of power cables to prevent the damage of power cables.
Causes of power cable damage include insulation corrosion, over-voltage, over-load operation, and poor quality of power cable manufacturing. So, how do wire and cable manufacturers repair damaged power cables?
據筆者理解,電線(xiàn)電纜廠(chǎng)家普通狀況下運用的電力電纜修補辦法是焊槍熱化修補法,這種電力電纜修補方法即簡(jiǎn)單又便當,效果也完整可以滿(mǎn)足請求。但是電力電纜破損修補的修補次數過(guò)多或者運用時(shí)間過(guò)長(cháng)后,就會(huì )產(chǎn)生絕緣層變薄,絕緣性變差,同時(shí),電力電纜絕緣將失去防水的作用等。普通作為電力電纜暫時(shí)修補用。
According to the author's understanding, the power cable repair method used by wire and cable manufacturers under normal conditions is the welding torch heating repair method, which is simple and convenient, and the effect is complete enough to meet the request. But if the number of central repairs is too many or the service time is too long, the insulation layer will become thinner and the insulation will be worse. At the same time, the insulation of power cable will lose its waterproof function. Commonly used as temporary repair of power cables.
Another common method of comparison is the cover-up method. While consuming various types of power cables, it also provides various specifications of power cable skin amendments. Its main repair process is to cover the damage of power cable with insulating plastics of the same type and data, and then to blend it with the power cable by thermal treatment.
The major advantage of this method is that it maintains the thickness of insulation layer of power cable to a large extent, and guarantees its insulation and waterproof performance. But the defect is that the price is more expensive, but it is currently commonly used to repair persistent power cables.
Above is the introduction of damage and repair of wires and cables. When there are problems in wires and cables, we should not panic, find out the reasons and solve them. More exciting content to consult our website: http://www.cepo-eca.com